Final Storyboard

The final storyboard is the final Converge exercise and should be used to focus on what the team will be prototyping.


Why should we do this exercise?

We need something that distills all of our great ideas into a single cohesive storyboard to build during the next phase.


This exercise can be tricky and take long time, to make things easier here are some exercises to try:

Beginnning & End

If you're stuck on where to begin start with the first screen, if this is too hard, try starting at the end instead, it's often easier to imagine the end of the journey than the beginning.

Work with what you have

Grab everything you've done far and use it as inspiration. The Problem Statement, Sprint Questions, and Critical Path will be particularly helpful.

Try to resist inventing new ideas, and refer to all the ideas you've collected earlier instead.


If you ran the Art Museum exercises you've got a head start:

You should eventually get a very scrappy looking storyboard ready to refine.



Final storyboard with sticky-notes separated into different sections of the user journey throught the application